December 8, 2021


The University of Arizona’s annual Symposium on Racing in Tucson served as an ideal forum in which to present Global Tote’s newest products and services and to share BetMakers’ game-changing vision for betting on racing with the industry.

Global Tote unveiled a range of new products at the Symposium, including its new BetLine series of terminals. Conceived by Global Tote and BetMakers and designed by a leading industrial design company specializing in self-service, Global Tote’s new BetLine Series elevates the user experience and enhances operational efficiency. Options for a range of teller and self-service configurations help deliver a seamless omni-channel betting experience with support for both tote and fixed odds products. Visit our Betting Terminals section to learn more about the new BetLine series.

Global Tote also previewed its next generation white label betting website, part of Global Tote’s and BetMakers’ overall digital strategy. Other Global Racing divisions within BetMakers’ shared their advanced solutions for rights management, integrity, fixed odds betting platforms, managed trading services, and more.

Dallas Baker, Head of International Operations, offered his insights on the value of offering both fixed odds and tote betting as drivers of growth in US racing during the Symposium panel, “Seizing the Fixed Odds Wagering Opportunity.”

BetMakers is investing in the people, products, and services of its Global Racing divisions – Global Tote, Global Racing Network and Global Betting Services – and the solutions featured in Tucson are just the beginning. Keep up with the News here at BetMakers’ Global.Racing to learn more.