How we manage ESG
The Board of BetMakers has established the ESG Committee, with members from a broad range of employees across our global business, to assist the Company in its decision-making processes.
We view ESG strategy and reporting through four key focus areas:
BetMakers acknowledges the impact that energy consumption has on the planet. Hence, delivering carbon reduction goals alongside more efficient natural resource consumption is a core part of the Company's business strategy.
Our Employees
Being an employer of choice that promotes employee well-being and encourages the ongoing training, development and success of its employees is crucial to ensuring that BetMakers is an innovative leader in the industry.
Our Community
BetMakers is committed to undertaking its business in an ethical and responsible fashion, and supporting the racing industry to commercialise its intellectual property rights in a way that provides growing returns to its stakeholders.
Prioritising data security and responsible gaming practices, and maintaining high standards of corporate governance that provide strategic guidance and effective support to management, is a key strategic focus for BetMakers.
BetMakers is committed to doing business in an environmentally responsible manner and to identifying environmental risks that may arise out of its business operations.
BetMakers references the TCFD and SASB frameworks in ensuring best practice structuring and reporting of environmental matters. Details of the Company’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and information about steps it is taking to continue to improve and evolve its environmental practices, can be found in the ESG Investor Update linked at the bottom of this page.

Our Employees
BetMakers works deliberately to provide an engaging and fulfilling place of employment and to support the ongoing welfare of its employees. The Company embeds a culture of inclusiveness, support and respect throughout its global business, and monitors employee morale and culture through regular engagement.
BetMakers is committed to monitoring and promoting the diversity of staff, including through diversity in leadership roles, and to supporting all forms of diversity including with respect to race, nationality, age and gender. More information on employee engagement, diversity scorecard and targets, and workplace health and safety can be found in the ESG Investor Update linked at the bottom of this page.
Our Community
BetMakers recognises the responsibility that all companies have to conduct their operations in a way that provides a net positive benefit to society. BetMakers is committed to undertaking its business in an ethical and socially responsible way. The Company is an active supporter of community initiatives, provides direct sponsorship to charitable organisations, and sponsors racing and industry events.
BetMakers is committed to preventing modern slavery in all aspects of its business and supply chains. BetMakers has implemented a modern slavery policy and intends to publish a modern slavery statement following the conclusion of the 2022/23 financial year.

Governance & regulation
BetMakers is committed to operating its business in a way which complies with applicable laws and regulatory requirements. The Company maintains an ongoing focus on risk management, compliance, anti-corruption, anti-bribery and anti-money laundering under the supervision and direction of the Board.
One of BetMakers’ core strategic focuses is the protection of our stakeholders and investors through the adoption and implementation of effective corporate governance structures and practices. Key components of the Company’s Governance & Regulation focus are described below, with additional information provided in the ESG Investor Update linked at the bottom of this page.
Responsible Gaming
It is important that businesses operating in the wagering sector conduct themselves in a way which prioritises a fair environment for customers.
While BetMakers operates predominantly in the B2B space, it remains (and will continue to be) a strong advocate for responsible gaming.
In all of its development works, the Company prioritises solutions that offer an engaging, safe and innovative experience to customers and invests in tools and integrations that support responsible gaming. BetMakers also provides responsible gaming training to employees.

BetMakers is a global leader in the provision of integrity solutions that help to detect fraud and other anomalies during racing events. Our highly skilled risk analysts are trained to identify and act on fraudulent activity, utilising custom integrity monitoring tools.
BetMakers is committed to complying with all applicable Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing requirements, reporting guidelines, laws and regulations in each jurisdiction in which it conducts its operations.
Information security and data privacy are key priorities for BetMakers. The Company recently achieved ISO27001 (Information Security Management) certification.
BetMakers operates in over 30 countries and 45 regulatory jurisdictions around the world and employs dedicated compliance professionals to manage ongoing licensing and regulatory responsibilities.
Where to from here?
BetMakers is pleased to provide stakeholders with the Company’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) policy.
We at BetMakers recognise that strong ESG performance requires an embedded self-reflection process and a commitment towards continuous improvement and excellence. We are committed to building on the foundation established by the formation of our ESG policy, with continued development and enhancement of our ESG systems and actions.
Please use the links below to access documents related to our ESG policies.